Crows:The Unexpected Killer

Have you ever watched a pair of mockingbirds fighting crows near a tree?  This is an indication that the birds have a nest nearby and the crows are trying to rob it of the eggs or baby birds. This is happening all too often. The crow population is extremely strong now and growing because they are not being hunted.

Crows spend most of their days looking for prey. They hunt from daylight to dark. They rob any kind of bird nest they can find. I have seen crows catching baby quail chicks at the edge of a weed field. and watched them prey on baby rabbits. These crows have a huge impact on the decline of song birds, small game and quail and doves and are doing more damage than we realize!

UWC plans to make crow hunting a popular sport so that we can knock the crow population back somewhat and increase the upland game population. We plan to organize crow shooting tournaments when crow season begins.   There will be more information on this in the near future.

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